021-502225 , 021-502314


Biratnagar, Nepal

  • The school will not undertake to keep a vacant seat for a child who does not join the school on the data arranged, whether at the begining or during the session. In such a case, no refunds will be made.
  • If by some unavoidable circumstances, a child cannot attend classes for more than three days, a leave of absence should be produced in written, duly certified and signed by the parents/guardians.
  • Students are not allowed outside the school compound during school hours and parents/guardians are restricted from visiting their wards or meeting class teachers during such hours. if any urgent case arises, parents/guardians are requested to seek permission form the authorities. Such a case can be arranged during the leisure period or the off hours, on securing legal permission from the authorities.
  • A child suffering from or who has been in contact with any infectious disease must produce a Medical Certificate to the effect that he/she may join the school without any risk of contamination. In case of serious illnesses or accidents during school hours, parents/guardians will be immediately notified and further medical advice and treatment will be considered entirely at their own discretion. The school will not bear any responsibility, financial or otherwise, in such cases. Medical first Aid is available within the school premises and cases involving minor accidents will be treated in the school itself.
  • Parents/ Guardians intending to withdraw their ward(s) from the school must give a calendar month's fee will be charged, in lieu of notice. 
  • Transfer Certificate, Progress Report and other such relevant documents will not be issued if arrears remain pending.
  • Non-payment of tuition fee and other incidental charges, for more than two mother, will result in the concerned student being refused to attend the classes until all such outstanding dues are cleared in full. But in case of more than three months, the student's name may be struck off the rolls and sent back home. Sitting in the examination, to such a student, thus will be restricted.
  • parents/Guardians are not encouraged to send their ward(s) to school with expensive items, jewellery, ornaments, watches etc. In case of loss or theft, the school will not bear any responsibility and no reimbursement will be made in such a case.